
李先生: 茱莉安你好, 我了解加拿大的汽車工程相關科系的碩士申請




  1. 入學門檻較低:在校成績不用像申請碩士那麼高,GPA較不要求,高中畢業即可
  2. 語言門檻較低:雅思6.0以上即可申請
  3. 條件式入學:如果沒有英文成績和擔心太晚申請來不及,可以利用語言學校的Pathway申請條件式入學
  4. 學費便宜:碩士一年約兩萬加幣起跳,學院約一萬五
  5. 畢業後公簽:皆能獲得兩年畢業後工作簽證 (Post-Gradation Work Permit)
  6. 課程內容:碩士偏學術,而學院偏實務訓練
  7. 當地工作機會:這個很難說,但加拿大不是只看重學歷高低,主要還是綜合能力,但國際學生來說學院較容易找到起步的工作,比較容易進入中小型企業
  8. 研究所 VS. 學院:當然研究所回台灣發展會更具背景,但如果程度不是很好,申請的學校較為偏僻,也可以考慮較近大城市的學院就讀,畢業後就地找工作,不用一定要到大城市
  9. 半工半讀:都可以打工,只是讀研究所比較辛苦,可能沒有時間可以打工

加拿大 遊學

東岸部分有這三所和西岸有一所提供你可以參考,   建議你先考一下ILAC的線上測驗知道你的LEVEL, 可以先預測你的程度在哪喔!

  • Centennial College

Automotive power technician (Diploma 2 years)

Accepts PW3. (Level 15)

Intake: Sept

High school graduation certificate + transcript with grade 11 or 12 Math, or equivalent or take the Centennial College Engineering Math Skills Assessment for Admission

Tuition: CAD$ 14,000+

Program Details: https://www.centennialcollege.ca/programs-courses/full-time/automotive-motive-power-technician-technical/

  • Niagara College

Motive power technician with coop (2 years diploma)

Intake: Jan , May, Sept

Accepts PW2.2 (Level 13)

High school graduation certificate + transcript  (math any grade)

Program Details: https://www.niagaracollege.ca/trades/programs/motive-power-technician-automotive/

  • Fanshawe College

Motive power technician (Diploma 2 years)

Intake: Jan and Sept

Accepts PW 3.2 (Level 15)

Requirement: Math and Physics or Chemistry

Program Details: https://www.fanshawec.ca/programs-and-courses/program/mta7-motive-power-technician-automotive/next-year

  • Vancouver Community College (VCC)

Automotive Service Technology (2 years Diploma)

Access: Pathway3.1 or level 14 competition

Intake: September or January

Requirement: Math 10 with C or higher

Tuition: CAD$ 13,410+

Program Details: https://www.vcc.ca/international/programs/program-areas/auto-service-technology/automotive-service-technology-diploma-international-cohort/

Automotive Collision and Refinishing  (2 years Diploma)

Access: Pathway 2.2 or level 13 completion

Intake: September or January

Requirement: Math 10 with C or higher

Tuition: CAD$ 13,410+

Program Details: https://www.vcc.ca/international/programs/program-areas/auto-collision-and-refinishing/automotive-collision-and-refinishing-diploma-international-cohort/



茱莉安留遊學台北 新竹 台中 高雄 花蓮 加拿大
諮詢專線: 02-2370-2012 / 1-647-885-3078
FB粉絲團: 茱莉安留遊學顧問
LINE(茱莉安工作室): @juliannestudio
LINE(茱莉安本人): juliannecanada

如果有任何疑問,歡迎隨時來電或來信諮詢啦! ^^
