加拿大租屋須知 & 網路詐騙


加拿大租屋須知 & 網路詐騙


從開始做顧問以來, 學生或打工客最大的問題就是租屋! 一開始從找房, 到簽訂合約(有的是口頭合約), 到最後跟房東或室友有糾紛, 然後氣急敗壞地找辦法拿回押金, 或是提早搬走, 搞得一肚子氣~

 茱莉安我也遇過惡房東, 所以, 租屋之前, 請不要只貪圖便宜, 很多法規一定要詳細閱讀, 很多房東因為知道學生只待不到一年, 所以不提供”合約”, 只有口頭承諾, 雙方有共識就好! 一開始很多學生覺得有賺到的感覺, 因為不用承諾一定要租多久, 反正房東說先收地一個月和最後一個月的錢, 最後會退一個月, 或是當最後一個月的押金, 聽起來都很棒! 但最後就是因為沒有合約的簽訂, 衍生出很多爭議, 房東找藉口不退最後一個月的押金, 說”在加拿大都是這樣啊……” , 最後租方無法保障自身權益!

但其實只要法律上站得住腳, 雖然英文不好, 是不會影響到自己的權益,  不是請英文比較好的第三者代替你用英文去跟房東”吵”贏~ 一定得走 Landlord and Tenant Court (房東房客調解庭) 去用法律去仲裁, 這是唯一的辦法! 有的房東如果自知理虧, 一聽到要走法律途徑, 就會比較好談了~ 

茱莉安建議, 問題發生, 要理直氣”婉”, 爭取權益, 但也不要忽略別人的權益, 做個守法被尊重的台灣人! 如果真的是自己犯錯, 勇於認錯和賠償, 放在網路上給大家去評理是最不智的方式~

以下是有關租屋的相關須知, 請詳細閱讀, 茱莉安也不是此方面專家, 有任何問題請自行打電話去詢問! 祝大家租房順利! ^^


你身為承租人的權利, 其他重要資訊:


如遇惡房東要申訴或尋求諮詢, 請撥打311

茱莉安記得在加拿大, 一個房子如果連房東一起住的話, 基本上只能租給最多3組房客, 如果是夫妻兩人那就算1組, 如果房子把客廳廚房隔間成多數房間, 安全堪虞, 可以打電話檢舉! 311 is available 24/7, 365 days per year.



很多學生都在Craigslist, Kijiji, yellowpage等網頁去找房子,如果看到喜歡的覺得不錯,都會寫信去詢問,以下是茱莉安歸類有10個可能是詐騙的徵兆:

  1. 房子照片很漂亮 (很多是downtown地點或預售屋的照片)
  2. 價格低於行情價 (有可能嗎?)
  3. 聯絡方式只提供email ,沒有電話或電話是美國的
  4. 廣告放有一陣子了 (好的房子都是秒殺)
  5. 提到人在美國或異地,所以要短期出租
  6. 對房客篩選表示很謹慎 (文章會蠻長, 編故事)
  7. 要求先付訂金 (提供網路帳號)
  8. 有疑慮的話可以出示房子所有權證明
  9. 沒有委託房仲 (有房仲比較能替代回答和節省時間)
  10. 會不斷來回email釣客人上勾 (好又便宜的房子需要這樣嗎?)




Thanks for your email and interest in the property. I personally own the property and also want you to know that it was due to my transfer that made me and my wife to leave the property and also want to give it out for rent and looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. So for now, We are here in , United State in our new house and also with the keys and documents of the house, we try to look for an agent that we can give this documents before we left but could not see and we are as well as don’t want our property to be used any how in our absence that is why we took it along with us. I and my wife came over to United State for a missionary work, so i hope you will promise us to take very good care of the house. kindly get back to me on how you could take care of our house or perhaps experience you have in renting home. The rent fee is included all the utilities , no extra fee for parking, and you can rent it unfurnished.. there are sporting Equipment. I am looking forward to hear from you ASAP so that i can forward you an application form to fill out and discuss on how to get the property for rent.





Thanks for your email and interest in our property. I work as a Paralegal Assistant for the United States Government,while my wife works as a nurse here as well.We just moved down here with my family for about two months now and we will be staying here for a long period of time.We love it here and hope to settle down here in the nearest future.we came here with the keys and documents of the property because we never intend to rent out the property,but we thought about our property being unused will cause lots of damage to it,so we decided to rent it out to someone capable of taking care of it while we are away.All we care about is someone to take very good care of it with passion of it being it’s own.A colleague of mine introduced me to this internet site of advertisement. I want to be convinced you are capable enough to taking care of our property for us? We don’t want it to be used anyhow,i want you to get back to me on how you will be taking care of the place or perhaps the experience you have in your previous places of living or lived.I want you to note that all utilities are included in the rent.I look forward to hearing from you so that i can forward you a rental application form if you are interested in renting our  place.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon



Thanks for your swift response regarding my property, the home is currently vacant and it is available for move in. I am Russ Crandall the owner of the property,I got transfer too Houlth,Maine few weeks ago and am looking to rent our home ASAP.

The rent includes all utilities like gas, electricity,Internet, water e.t.c are included in the rental fee. We would be staying here in Maine for a long time and this is why we are actually renting our Home. I am not after the money for the rent but looking for a trustworthy/responsible person too occupy our home.

The keys/documents are right here with us but feel free to go view the exterior and once accepted as our new tenant the keys would be sent to you via FEDEX courier service.

If you interested in moving in immediately or ASAP kindly fill out the application below and feel free to call or Text me (443)-453-0241)serious rental only.


Full Name:
Desire date of Occupancy:

Desire Length of Occupancy:
Cell Phone ( )
Home Phone ( )
Current Address:
Reasons for Leaving:
Current Rent Payment:
Are you married:
How many people will be living in the house:
Do you have a pet:
Do you have a car:
Current Employer:
If a student:
Name of School:

Once I have all this information I will let you know what the next step to take toward renting our home. Looking forward to hear from you ASAP so I can have the required details in my file In case of issuing receipts and contacting you.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Russ Crandall.

N:B-Please note that we are not available to show the place because the keys are right here with us,you can only view the place from the outside and once Accepted as my new tenant the keys/documents would be Fedex to you.



茱莉安留遊學台北 新竹 台中 高雄 花蓮 加拿大
諮詢專線: 02-2370-2012 / 1-647-885-3078
FB粉絲團: 茱莉安留遊學顧問
LINE(茱莉安工作室): @juliannestudio
LINE(茱莉安本人): juliannecanada

如果有任何疑問,歡迎隨時來電或來信諮詢啦! ^^
