GBC 早期幼兒教育申請所需文件及相關資訊


請問準備申請GBC early childhood Education所需的文件?



準備申請GBC early childhood Education所需的文件

General Requirements 一般要求

To be admitted into the post-secondary program (Diploma / Certificate / Postgraduate / Degree) of your choice you must:

  1. 高中畢業或同等學歷
  2. 18歲以上
  3. 繳交CAD65申請費 (不退還), 6th/Sep/2016 之後改CAD95
  4. 繳交雅思成績單

Provide proof of English proficiency. If English is not the official first language in your country, you must have one of the following (attach a copy of the Test Report)

IELTS (Academic) 6.0, minimum 5.5 in each skill band(雅思總平均6.0, 不得一科低於5.5)

Academic Requirements 學術成績要求:  各科最少要達到60%的標準,由英語&數學

Supporting Documents(文件要求)

  • 護照頁Copy
  • 高中3年成績單(英文版)
  • 高畢業證書(英文版)

Diploma/Certificate/Post-graduate Programs


Application Fee $65 (95)
Base Tuition Fee* $13,520 for 2 semesters
Fee for co-op work term, if applicable $450 for 1 semester
Incidental Fees (student ID, student association membership, etc.) $1,500
Mandatory Health Insurance $570.82 for one year coverage (Sep-Aug)
$388.28 for 8 months coverage (Jan-Aug)
$204.64 for 4 months coverage (May-Aug)
Public Transportation (per year), estimated $1,500
Books and Supplies (estimated per year) $1,000-$1,200

這是該科系的介紹提供參考: C100-2015-2016

注意: 雅思成績必須要有才能申請喔~
所以請你成績一出來提供給我^^ 記得要報名學術英文類別的考試喔!



茱莉安留遊學台北 新竹 台中 高雄 花蓮 加拿大
諮詢專線: 02-2370-2012 / 1-647-885-3078
FB粉絲團: 茱莉安留遊學顧問
LINE(茱莉安工作室): @juliannestudio
LINE(茱莉安本人): juliannecanada

如果有任何疑問,歡迎隨時來電或來信諮詢啦! ^^
